"Embracing the Pause: A Reminder to Moms Everywhere"


Hello fellow Chaos-Coordinators! 

I have a question for all my mom readers: Do any of you sometimes feel like you're teetering on the edge of sanity, juggling a thousand tasks while desperately needing a break? If the word YES immediately entered your mind, then today, this one's for you. 

Let's face it, finding a moment of tranquility with the little ones running circles around us is like trying to catch a unicorn. I know what it's like to be deep in the trenches of motherhood, feeling overwhelmed and exhausted: I see you, I feel you, and I've been there. Actually, I'm still there...way in there – those days when the chaos and "To-Do" lists seem never-ending and a moment of peace feels like an elusive dream. 

Don't get me wrong, the joys of motherhood are beyond measurable; there are those moments when you look at your child and wonder how the heck you could have possibly made something so perfect. Any mother will tell you how amazing it is, but very rarely does anyone tell you how hard it is too. The picture in this blog post was taken just days before I gave birth to my daughter Melody; the one who made me a mom. I was sipping hot tea from my "Mommy To Be" mug, peacefully sitting in a quiet home, lost in deep uninterrupted thought about all the tantrum-free and sweet mommy-daughter moments I would one day have with the little peanut I was so ready to meet.

Essentially, I knew nothing, and I certainly wasn't ready. No one ever tells you that, one day, you're going to need a breather. No one ever tells you that, one day, you will need to press pause. 

Does this scene sound familiar? You're drinking cold coffee while the kids are running wild in the living room, you've now refereed the third sibling squabble of the day, you're desperately trying to keep the mess contained, or trying to squeeze in some work, and you're one more interruption away from losing your mind (and of course you feel that wonderful mom-guilt when you do). You try to keep it together, but then the chaos consumes you and you start threatening to throw away every toy you ever bought and start swearing that screen-time is going to be a very dim memory for them.

Yep, I get it. 

I want to remind you of something incredibly important, something that often gets lost in the chaos of motherhood: it's okay to take a break. Let me say that one more time for the mothers in the back who didn't hear me: it's ok to take a break. Yes, you heard me right. It's okay to step back, take a deep breath, and give yourself permission to pause.

I know firsthand how relentless motherhood can be. The endless demands, the constant juggling act, the pressure to be everything to everyone – it's exhausting, isn't it? We give and give until we feel like there's nothing left to give, until we're running on fumes and desperately in need of a moment of respite.

But here's the thing: taking a break doesn't make you weak. It doesn't mean you're failing as a mom. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Taking a break is a sign of strength, of self-awareness, of knowing your limits, and recognizing your own humanity.

So often, we're told to keep pushing, to soldier on no matter what. But I'm here to tell you that it's okay to hit the pause button. I know it's not easy; I know there are a million reasons why you feel like you can't afford to take a breather. But here's the truth: when you take care of yourself, you're better able to take care of those you love.

One of the main reasons I started the company MelyLu Sensory Play is, of course, the deeply rooted belief in the power of play, and I wanted to share that with other families. However, what I also discovered on this journey was that when my little ones were engrossed in independent play with a sensory bin or a jar of my homemade play dough...I had some time to myself. As the kids got lost in their creations, I sat down in blissful silence. It was like a mini vacation for my sanity, and let me tell you, it was glorious. Suddenly, I was no longer contemplating what was an acceptable amount of times to reheat the same cup of coffee in the microwave; I wasn't telling them to stop fighting; I wasn't tethering on the brink of madness and considering walking into the play room with a big garbage bag in hand. I had a moment to breathe, to re-center, and to pause.  

And you know what else? The best part is that I knew Sensory Play wasn't just a temporary distraction. It's a powerhouse of creativity, fine motor skill development, and sensory exploration. So while the kids were busy sculpting their masterpieces, they were also learning and growing in ways that would benefit them long after the play dough was packed away. Activities like our Sensory Bins or Play Dough Jars provide engaging independent play for your little ones, giving you a chance to take a breather and recharge, without feeling the mom guilt! Don't believe me? Try it. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain. 

Either way, please remember this: in the beginning, we all know nothing. You're not alone, and it's okay to take a breather.

And when you do, know that you're not just taking care of yourself – you're setting an example for your children to do the same for themselves. You're teaching them the importance of self-care, of listening to their bodies and their hearts, of knowing when to step back, and when to press on.

So here's to embracing the pause, to giving ourselves permission to take a breath, and to finding moments of quiet amidst the chaos and grace of motherhood.

Until next time -  remember to show yourself that same grace. 


With Love and Solidarity, 

Manuela XO


Happy Playing, and Learning 🤓


PS...do you have some insight, questions, or relatable stories? I would LOVE to hear from you, so feel free to leave a comment on this post! Even if it's just a quick hello, let's chat! 🫶🏼



  • Marina

    So well said and needed to read this today. It’s so hard to take a step back and pause when everyone counts on you for literally EVERYTHING, ALL THE TIME. Going to make a point to take some me time this weekend. AND I just ordered your Lemonade sensory bin kit! Can’t wait to get it so my kids can sit and play and I can relax for a bit. Maybe I’ll have some HOT coffee! lol

  • Emma

    Wow. I have never felt so seen and heard. Beautifully written…a perfect reminder to every mom who needs to be reminded to pause and that it’s OK to take a break!

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