"A Day in the Life of a Mompreneur: Balancing Chaos, Commitment, and Coffee"

Hey there, fellow parents and busy bees! Boy, do I have a story to share with you!

Let me set the scene: It's 9 AM, and I've already had three cups of coffee just to keep up with my two little tornadoes, Melody and Luca. After a morning complete with making chocolate chip pancakes because, "You Promised Mom!" and not one, but two, meltdowns about putting sneakers on and not Crocs, I am rush back in the door after dropping them off at Pre-school. How is it that I can handle classrooms full of kids, yet mornings with two toddlers is a constant struggle?

I look around at the carnage of my home that our normal morning routine brings, and start straightening up. I put the breakfast dishes in the dishwasher, fold the never-ending laundry, vacuum the kitchen and dining room, and pick up the trail of pajamas and socks so generously left on the floor by my little ones: I'm also trying to keep the wheels turning on my small business.

So, I take a deep breath, make yet another cup of coffee, and start to pack up the orders to be shipped out that day. After all that is done, I do my weekly inventory check and realize I need to replenish some of my fillers. I make my list and get to work. When my last batch of vibrant pink kernels finishes drying, I transfer them back to their bin and make my way to put them back on the shelf, and that is when I slipped (maybe on a toy car?) and sent the entire bin of kernels cascading across the floor. I sat there for a good minute or two, staring at the mess and trying to decide if I should laugh or cry, when my 11:15 alarm goes off. Well, no time to either: I have to pick up my kids. 

Let me tell you, being a "mompreneur" is no walk in the park. It's more like a chaotic dance through a minefield of Cheerios and Lego bricks. Between brainstorming new product ideas during nap time and sneaking in making batches of play dough between mealtimes and dance parties, I sometimes wonder if I'm running a business or a circus!

Let's not even get started on the challenges of finding a quiet moment for myself - in an attempt to hold on to a shred of self care - when the kids decide to turn the living room into a fort and then a makeshift obstacle course. Who needs a gym membership or yoga classes when you have toddlers, am I right?

But you know what? Despite the chaos and the endless juggling act, I wouldn't trade this crazy journey for anything. Because every time I see the joy on my kids' faces as they dive into one of our sensory kits, or hear from a parent about how our products have sparked their child's imagination and cognitive growth, it makes every spilled sippy cup and late-night brainstorm session worth it. 

So here's to all the fellow parents out there, hustling and juggling, but quite literally  making magic happen every single day. We may not have it all together (who does, really?), but we're doing our best and making a difference, even if it's just one sensory play session at a time. 💪✨

Until next time friends - Keep Calm, and Play On!

Happy Playing, and Learning! 🤓


PS...do you have some insight, questions, or relatable stories? I would LOVE to hear from you, so feel free to leave a comment on this post! Even if it's just a quick hello, let's chat! 🫶🏼

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